Agnes Lisa Wegner

Writer & director of documentary films 

„Through my films, I want to discover and share a reflection of the big picture even in the tiniest snippets of life. It's like gazing through a looking glass.“

The Empty Grave The Empty Grave
Baden-Württemberg Film Prize 2024 Audience Award – International Film Festival Innsbruck, 2024
King Bansah and His Daughter
(Original title: König Bansah und seine Tochter)
GRANIT – Award for best documentary at Hof International Film Festival 2020
The girl with the long hair
Robert Geisendörfer Preis 2021 // Japan Prize 2019
No Fucking Ice Cream
"Golden Key" (Goldener Schlüssel) at Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival 2018

„Through my films, I want to discover and share a reflection of the big picture even in the tiniest snippets of life. The personal is always political. And watching a film can be like gazing through a looking glass: we observe intensely and see all the details. In everyday-life stories, we detect the impact of world politics. Individual biographies show traces of large social developments. We discover very personal, immediate examples of complicated, abstract, and at times heated topics.

I hope that through my films, there can be human encounters beyond reservations and preconceptions. My films wish to overcome boundaries between people and to enable us to experience what otherwise seems far away.

My passion is exploring reality through the art of film. Film opens new spaces. It can make you think, it can astound or amuse us – but it will always enrich us."

Agnes Lisa Wegner